Published: 30 November 2023
The most recent meeting was held on November 15th 2023 and the main topic was regarding the declaration of a financial emergency by Somerset Council and how this is likely to affect services in the county over the coming months and into the next financial year. For further information see Somerset Council Financial Emergency
Parish and Town Councils have been offered the opportunity of taking on services, however this will have financial implications for residents and will have to be carefully considered. Further discussions will be held at the December 2023 meeting. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact the Clerk.
Many problems are being experienced on the roads and any issues can be reported online at the Somerset Council web page Report A Problem on the Road or at Fix My Street
Reports of damaged stiles and overgrown footpaths have also been communicated to the Parish Council and these have been logged online. If you experience any problems when using a footpath, you can access the online reporting tool at Somerset Council – Report A Problem With a Public Right of Way
The Parish Council are very grateful to those landowners in the parish that have cut back hedging and trees that abut the highway. If anyone else still needs to undertake this, please could this be actioned as soon as possible to ensure the roads are safe for all road users. For further information please use the following link Grass cutting ( and scroll down to the section Hedges and Banks.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 20th December 2023 and the January meeting will be held on !7th January 2024. Please check the website and notice board for details.