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Over Stowey Parish Council News – December and January

Newsletter for December 2023 and January 2024

Published: 2 February 2024

We are by now well into the new year and within local government many changes are expected with the financial challenges that Somerset Council are facing.

Whether Over Stowey Parish Council take on any assets or services or not will be an ongoing agenda item as there are concerns with regards to capacity, cost to the parish and liability, amongst other considerations.

The December meeting also addressed a number of issues with highways and signage. It is hoped that by the time this article is published that these have been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

Many problems are still being experienced on the roads and any issues can be reported online at the Somerset Council web page Report A Problem on the Road or at Fix My Street

Additionally, If you experience any problems when using a footpath, you can access the online reporting tool at Somerset Council – Report A Problem With a Public Right of Way

The ditch at Friarn needs to be cleared again as water is running down the road when it rains (affecting properties along that stretch) due to the pipe being blocked. Forestry England are responsible for this and hopefully remedial work has already taken place.

Thanks again to those landowners in the parish who have already cut back hedging and trees on boundaries that abut the highway. If anyone else still needs to undertake this, please could this be actioned as soon as possible (as the bird nesting season will start on March 1st 2024) to ensure the roads are safe for all road users. For further information please use the following link Grass cutting ( and scroll down to the section Hedges and Banks.

On a positive note, the handrail for the steps at the cemetery will be installed very soon as the quote for the cost was reviewed and agreed unanimously and the grounds maintenance contract has been renewed – again this was agreed unanimously.

Cllr Curtis will be meeting with a company to agree the design for the plaque that will be placed at the recreation ground to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III and this should be in situ very soon.

The January meeting will have been held on Wednesday 17th January 2024 and the next meeting will take place on Wednesday 21st February. Please check the website and notice board for details.

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